Do Hedgehogs Sweat?

Do Hedgehogs Sweat

Welcome to our article on the curious question of whether or not hedgehogs sweat. Hedgehogs are adorable, spiny little creatures that are enjoyed by people all over the world as pets and as animals in their natural habitats. Many people wonder if these delightful mammals have the ability to cool themselves down through sweating, like humans do. In this article, we will explore the topic of whether or not hedgehogs can actually sweat and how they regulate their body temperature. So read on to find out more about this fascinating subject!

Do Hedgehogs Sweat?

The answer is no, hedgehogs do not sweat. While humans are able to cool their bodies down by sweating, this is simply not a physiological adaptation that hedgehogs possess. Instead, they rely on other mechanisms to regulate their body temperature and keep themselves comfortable in different environments.

How Do Hedgehogs Regulate Their Body Temperature?

Hedgehog have some interesting ways of regulating their body temperature. First, they can seek shelter in burrows or shade when it gets too hot outside. They also huddle together when temperatures drop in an effort to conserve heat. Additionally, hedgehogs can pant like dogs do when it’s hot out and even shiver if necessary.

  • Seeking shelter in burrows or shade
  • Huddling together with others
  • Panting like dogs
  • Shivering if needed

What Causes a Hedgehog to Lose Its Eyes?

A hedgehog can lose its eyes due to several different causes. These include:

Infection or Injury

An infection, such as conjunctivitis, or an injury caused by another animal, such as a bite from a predator, can cause the eye of a hedgehog to become infected and damaged. In these cases, the eye may become swollen and red, and if left untreated for too long can lead to blindness.

Deformities at Birth

Sometimes, deformities are present at birth which cause the eyes of the hedgehog not to develop properly. This is often seen in albino hedgehogs where there is no pigment in their eyes. Without this pigment they cannot see clearly and may be more susceptible to losing an eye.

Hedgehogs’ vision naturally begins to deteriorate over time with age. As they get older their retinas start to degenerate causing them to gradually lose sight until eventually going completely blind.

Signs of Unusual or Abnormal Behavior in a Hedgehog at Night

Hedgehogs are nocturnal animals, so they tend to sleep during the day and be most active during the night. However, if your pet hedgehog is exhibiting unusual or abnormal behavior at night, it could be a sign of an underlying health issue.

Common Signs of Unusual or Abnormal Behavior in a Hedgehog at Night:

  • Increased vocalizations: If your hedgehog is loudly squeaking or making other sounds more than usual, this could indicate distress.
  • Uncoordinated movements: If your hedgehog appears to stumble when walking or runs into walls and furniture, this could be a sign that something is wrong.
  • Loss of appetite: Hedgehogs usually eat quite frequently throughout the night. If your hedgehog has stopped eating altogether or its food intake has decreased significantly, this could indicate an illness.
  • Staying awake for extended periods: Your hedgehog should typically sleep through most of the night. If it seems to stay awake for long stretches without any apparent reason, this may signal an underlying problem.
  • Aggressive behavior: If your normally docile pet suddenly exhibits aggressive behaviors such as biting and growling, something else might be going on.

The Nocturnal Nature of Hedgehogs: Do They Enjoy Being in the Dark?

Hedgehogs are small, spiny mammals native to Europe, Africa, and parts of Asia. They are nocturnal creatures, meaning they are most active at night time. While some hedgehogs may be awake during the day, they typically prefer to sleep until nighttime when it’s dark outside.

So do these animals actually enjoy being in the dark? The short answer is yes! For one thing, it gives them a sense of security from potential predators since most predators can’t see well in the dark. It also helps them conserve energy as there is less light for them to process and use for activities like hunting or gathering food.

Hedgehogs have several adaptations that make them better suited for life in the dark compared to other animals. Their eyesight isn’t very strong so their primary senses rely on smell and hearing instead. They also have sharp claws which help them find food in tight spaces without being seen by other animals.

Overall, hedgehogs feel safest and most comfortable when they’re living in darkness. In fact, some species even create burrows underground or under rocks to protect themselves from predators while they sleep during the day.

Hedgehogs enjoy being in the dark because it provides a sense of security from potential predators and helps them conserve energy while hunting or gathering food. Their physical adaptations such as sharp claws also support their lifestyle in darkness.


In conclusion, hedgehogs may not sweat in the same way that humans do, but they still have their own ways of regulating body temperature. They can pant and lick themselves to cool down as well as curl up into a tight ball or find shade to prevent overheating. Although not much is known about how exactly hedgehogs regulate their body temperatures, it is clear that they are able to stay relatively cool despite their warm environments.


  • Frederick

    Frederick Faunce is an experienced and passionate hedgehog writer, blogger, and researcher. He has dedicated his life to understanding the conservation and care of hedgehogs, and is committed to educating and inspiring others to do the same.

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