How Long Are Hedgehogs Pregnant?

How Long Are Hedgehogs Pregnant

Hedgehogs are a popular pet choice, and their pregnancy can be an exciting time for owners. But how long do hedgehog pregnancies last? In this article, we’ll discuss the gestation period of hedgehogs and provide tips on caring for them during their pregnancy. We’ll also answer some common questions about Hedgehog pregnancies, such as what signs to look out for and when to expect baby hoglets. So if you’re curious about how long hedgehogs carry their litters before giving birth, read on!

How Long Are Hedgehogs Pregnant?

Hedgehogs are typically pregnant for between 30-35 days, though there can be some variation in gestation times. On average, a female hedgehog will give birth to four or five babies (called hoglets) at the end of her pregnancy.

Signs of Pregnancy in Hedgehogs

It is difficult to tell if a hedgehog is pregnant until the last few weeks of gestation. Some signs that your pet may be expecting include:

  • Weight gain due to fetal growth and increased appetite.
  • Enlarged nipples.
  • Decreased activity levels as she becomes more lethargic and sleepy.

A Hedgehog’s Pregnancy: How Long Does It Last?

Hedgehogs are nocturnal animals that are native to Europe, Asia, Africa, and New Zealand. They reproduce throughout the year with peak breeding occurring in the late spring and early summer months. A hedgehog’s pregnancy typically lasts between 32 and 35 days.

Timeline of a Hedgehog’s Pregnancy

Once fertilized, it takes around 9-10 days for a female hedgehog’s eggs to implant in her uterus. She will then gestate for an additional 22-25 days before giving birth to two to eight hoglets. The gestation period is relatively short compared to other animals.

Signs of Pregnancy in Hedgehogs

  • Weight Gain: Female hedgehogs tend to gain weight during their pregnancies as they store fat for later use when nursing their young.
  • Visible Abdomen Change: As the pregnancy progresses, the abdomen of a pregnant female hedgehog may become more visible due to increased size.
  • Nesting Behavior: During her final few weeks of pregnancy, a female hedgehog may exhibit nesting behavior such as gathering bedding material or digging burrows.

Signs of Pregnancy in Hedgehogs

Pregnant hedgehogs can often be identified by certain signs that indicate they are expecting. A breeding female hedgehog will begin to show signs of pregnancy within a few weeks after mating, and it is important to know what these signs are so that you can give her proper care.

Physical Changes

  • Increase in size: As the embryos grow, the mother’s abdomen will expand noticeably.
  • Milk production: Within two weeks of mating, the expectant mother may begin to produce milk which is visible when gently squeezing her nipples.
  • Nest building: The female hedgehog may start gathering bedding material in order to build a nest for her babies.

Behavioral Changes

  • Increased appetite: During pregnancy, a female hedgehog’s appetite will increase significantly as she needs extra nutrition for herself and the developing embryos.
  • Aggression: During late stages of pregnancy, many females become increasingly territorial and aggressive towards other animals or people as they prepare for their litter’s arrival.

Giving Birth in the Spring: When Hedgehogs Welcome Their Young

During the spring months, hedgehogs come out of hibernation and begin preparing for the arrival of their young. This happens between March and May, depending on where they live.

Hedgehog mothers-to-be build nests to give birth and raise their babies in. The mother will make sure the nest is well insulated with grass, leaves, and other materials so that it’s warm enough for her young when they arrive.

Gestation Period

The gestation period for a hedgehog is around 35 days. During this time, the mother should be provided with plenty of food sources such as insect larvae or worms. She also needs access to clean water.

Birth Process

When a mother hedgehog gives birth, she may produce anywhere from two to eight hoglets at once. After giving birth, she will take care of them until they are big enough to fend for themselves.

    • Nursing: Hedgehog mothers nurse their young by licking them until they are old enough to eat solid food. They also groom them regularly with their tongues.
    • Protection: Mother hedgehogs protect their young by keeping them safe from predators in the nest and teaching them how to avoid danger in the wild.
    • Weaning: Once the hoglets reach about three weeks old, they can start weaning off their mother’s milk and eating solid foods like insects or berries.
    • Independence: After six weeks have passed since giving birth, the mother will leave her hoglets behind as they become independent adults that can survive on their own in nature.


In conclusion, hedgehog pregnancy ranges from 30 to 40 days in length and is marked by several stages of development. A female hedgehog typically gives birth to a litter of 2-8 baby hedgehogs, which are called hoglets. While there isn’t much that can be done to prevent or control the length of a hedgehog’s pregnancy, it is important for owners to know how long they should expect their pet to carry its young before she gives birth so they can provide proper care and nutrition during this time.


  • Frederick

    Frederick Faunce is an experienced and passionate hedgehog writer, blogger, and researcher. He has dedicated his life to understanding the conservation and care of hedgehogs, and is committed to educating and inspiring others to do the same.

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