How Do Hedgehogs Mate?

How Do Hedgehogs Mate

Hedgehogs are one of the most beloved animals in the world, and many people wonder about how these spiny creatures mate. This article will explore the mating habits of hedgehogs, from courtship behavior to gestation periods and more. Readers will learn about how hedgehogs find mates, when they breed, what their reproductive organs look like, and other interesting facts about their breeding habits. By the end of this article, readers should have a better understanding of how these adorable animals reproduce.

How Do Hedgehogs Mate?

Hedgehogs mate by a process called ‘wedding’ or ‘roller-skating’. The male and female hedgehog will circle each other for several minutes before the male mounts the female from behind. This courtship typically lasts between 10 and 30 minutes, with several pauses in between. During this time, the two hedgehogs will groom each other’s spines and emit ultrasonic noises.

Reproductive Organs of Hedgehogs

The reproductive organs of hedgehogs are relatively simple compared to those of other mammals. In males, their penis is located near their back legs and contains barbs which help them grip onto the female during mating. Females have an opening known as a cloaca that serves both reproductive and excretory functions.

Gestation Periods

After successful mating, gestation periods can last anywhere from 35-58 days (depending on species). Once born, baby hoglets are born blind and completely bald but quickly grow spines within 24 hours.

Hedgehog Reproductive Facts

  • At birth: 2–8 young (average 4–7)
  • Weaning age: 6 weeks
  • Sexual maturity: 8 months

Signs of a Hedgehog Mating Behavior

Mating behavior in hedgehogs is often characterized by a set of behaviors that are specific to the species. Generally, mating takes place in the spring and fall months when days are longer and temperatures are warmer. Male hedgehogs will search for female partners during this time period and can become quite aggressive if they feel another male is encroaching on their territory.

Courtship Behavior

When two compatible hedgehog mates have been identified, courtship behavior may begin. Male hedgehogs tend to be more active than females at this stage and will chase after the female with enthusiasm. He may also perform a series of head bobs or sniffing as part of his courting ritual.

Hedgehog Aggression During Mating Season

Male hedgehogs can become very aggressive during mating season and will fight other males over access to potential mates. The fights usually involve biting, lunging, and chasing each other away from the female. If one male is too intimidated by another’s aggression he will retreat rather than risk injury.

Markings During Mating Season

Male hedgehog markings change color slightly during mating season as an indication of their readiness to mate. Female markings do not typically change but she may scent mark her area to indicate her availability for breeding.

  • Scent Marking: Female hedgehog scent marks her area using secretions from glands located near her eyes.
  • Head Bobbing: Male performs head bobbing movements as part of his courting ritual which involves moving his head up and down while making chirping noises.
  • Color Change in Markings: Male’s markings change color slightly during mating season as an indication of their readiness to mate.

Mating Habits of Hedgehogs

Hedgehogs typically mate during the spring and summer months. During this time, males will search for females to breed with and form a bond. The male hedgehog will court the female by nuzzling her nose and presenting her with food offerings.

When mating is successful, the female hedgehog will become pregnant and give birth to litters of three to six hoglets (baby hedgehogs) after a gestation period of around 35 days. After giving birth, she will feed them milk from her mammary glands until they are ready to be weaned at four weeks old.

Signs That a Female is Ready To Mate

  • Vocalizations: Female hedgehogs may produce distinctive chirping sounds as an indication that they are ready to mate.
  • Markings: Female hedgehogs may also display physical signs of readiness such as patchy black markings on their faces or bellies.
  • Scent Marking: The female may also release hormones through scent marking in order to attract potential mates.
  • Behavioral Changes: Females may engage in more active behaviors such as digging or exploring which can signal their readiness for breeding.

The Mating Habits of Hedgehogs

Hedgehogs are solitary animals, meaning they typically live alone and only come together to mate. During the breeding season (early spring through late summer), males will roam in search of females, emitting loud grunts as part of their courtship ritual.

When a female is receptive, she will let out an ultrasonic mating call that can be heard by the male up to 30 feet away. The two hedgehogs then engage in a brief nose-touching ritual before copulation takes place.

Mating lasts anywhere from three minutes to fifteen minutes. Afterward, the male leaves and the female raises her young on her own. A single litter may contain anywhere from one to nine babies.

Gestation Period

Once fertilized, eggs develop inside the mother’s body for around 35 days before they hatch. She gives birth between April and June depending on geographic location.


Prior to giving birth, females create nests made out of grasses or other materials available in their environment. In some cases, females may even raid bird nests for feathers or fur with which to line their den.


In conclusion, hedgehogs may seem like small, solitary creatures, but they are capable of forming strong bonds with one another. When a male and female hedgehog encounter each other, the courtship process begins. Males will use their sense of smell to determine if a female is interested in mating. If she shows interest, the two will engage in an elaborate dance which involves circling around each other.

After that, the male will mount the female and copulate until successful fertilization occurs. Hedgehogs generally mate during spring and summer when food supplies are plentiful – making it easier for them to raise young successfully. As fascinating as they are to observe in nature or captivity, it’s important to remember that wild hedgehogs should never be disturbed while mating so as not to interfere with their ability to reproduce.


  • Frederick

    Frederick Faunce is an experienced and passionate hedgehog writer, blogger, and researcher. He has dedicated his life to understanding the conservation and care of hedgehogs, and is committed to educating and inspiring others to do the same.

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