Hedgehogs are small, adorable creatures that have become increasingly popular pets over the last few years. While they may be cute and cuddly, there is still a lot to learn about hedgehogs before making the commitment to owning one. One important question many potential pet owners want answered is whether or not hedgehogs carry diseases. This article will explore the answer to this question, looking at what types of illnesses are associated with hedgehogs and how best to prevent them from spreading.
Do Hedgehogs Carry Diseases?
The short answer is yes, hedgehogs can carry diseases. However, most of these are preventable and manageable with appropriate care. Some illnesses that may affect hedgehogs include:
- Parvovirus: A virus common in wild rodents that can spread to pet hedgehogs through contact with contaminated bedding or food.
- Salmonellosis: An intestinal infection caused by salmonella bacteria which may be passed from animal to human.
- Upper Respiratory Infections: Commonly seen as sneezing, runny noses and watery eyes.
- Mites Infestation: These external parasites cause irritation and itching for the animal.
Prevention & Treatment
The best way to prevent your hedgehog from getting sick is to keep their environment clean and free of bacteria. Additionally, if you purchase a new pet hedgehog it should always come from a reputable breeder who screens their animals for any health issues. If your hedgie does become ill, it’s important to take them to the vet right away so they can get treated quickly and properly.
Common Diseases in Hedgehogs
Hedgehogs are generally healthy animals, but like all pets, they can be prone to certain health problems. It’s important for owners to familiarize themselves with the most common diseases in hedgehogs and how to identify them.
One of the most common ailments for pet hedgehog is mites. Mites are tiny parasites that live on the skin, causing irritation and itching. They often appear as small black dots around the face and ears and can easily spread from one animal to another. If your hedgehog has mites, you may notice it scratching more than usual or have scabs on its body.
Respiratory Infections
Another common illness among pet hedgehog is a respiratory infection. Signs of an infection include wheezing, sneezing or discharge from their nose or eyes. You should also look out for lethargy or loss of appetite, which could indicate a severe infection.
Gastrointestinal Issues
- Emphasis: Gastrointestinal issues such as diarrhea can be caused by many things including diet changes, stress or infections.
- Emphasis: Another issue that affects some hedgehog’s digestive system is enteritis, which is inflammation of the intestines.
- Emphasis: Symptoms include vomiting and diarrhea which can lead to dehydration if left untreated.
If you suspect your hedgehog is suffering from any kind of disease it’s important that you take him/her to a vet right away so they can diagnose and treat accordingly.
The Risks of Caring for Pet Hedgehogs
Hedgehogs make wonderful pets, but like any other pet they come with some risks. In order to keep your hedgehog healthy and safe, you need to be aware of the possible risks that are associated with caring for them. Here is a list of potential risks you should be aware of:
Zoonotic Diseases
Hedgehogs can carry zoonotic diseases, which are illnesses that can spread from animals to humans. These include salmonella and ringworm. It is important to take precaution when handling hedgehogs to avoid coming into contact with these diseases.
Due to their sharp spines, hedgehogs can easily injure people if handled improperly. To reduce the risk of injury it is important to never pick up a hedgehog by its tail or spines. It is also important to handle them gently and not squeeze them too tightly.
Hedgehogs may have parasites such as fleas or ticks that can spread diseases or cause discomfort in both your pet and yourself. Regularly examining your hedgehog for signs of parasites and treating them promptly if found will help reduce this risk.
Your pet hedgehog could get injured or even killed if they escape from their enclosure or roam in an unsafe area. Be sure to secure all entrances and exits on the cage so there are no accidental escapes.
Are Hedgehogs Carriers of Rabies?
Rabies is a deadly virus that can be transmitted from the bite or scratch of an infected animal. While it is rare for hedgehogs to carry rabies, there have been cases where they have tested positive for the virus.
The most common way for a hedgehog to become infected with rabies is if it comes into contact with another rabid animal, such as a bat or skunk. It’s also possible for them to contract the disease through contaminated food and water sources.
It’s important to note that not all hedgehogs are carriers of rabies. In fact, only a small percentage of wild animals actually carry the virus, and even then they usually don’t show any signs of infection until after death.
Signs Of Infection
- Changes in behavior: Aggression, lethargy, lack of coordination
- Excessive drooling
- Paralysis
- Difficulty swallowing
- Foaming at the mouth
In conclusion, hedgehogs can carry a variety of diseases and parasites that can be transmitted to humans. Although the risk is low, it is important for those who own or come into contact with hedgehogs to take proper precautions in order to prevent any potential infections. This includes regularly cleaning cages, washing hands after handling them, and consulting a veterinarian regularly. By taking these simple steps, one can reduce the chance of coming into contact with any potentially harmful illnesses.