Are Hedgehogs Domesticated?

Are Hedgehogs Domesticated

Hedgehogs have been captivating the hearts of animal lovers for centuries. From their spiky coat to their adorable faces, these unique creatures have become popular pets in recent years. But what is the story behind these hedgehogs? Are they domesticated? This article will explore this question and provide an answer that might surprise you!

Are Hedgehogs Domesticated?

Hedgehogs are not domesticated animals, meaning they have not been selectively bred over time to become a more docile species. While some people might keep them as pets, hedgehogs are still considered wild animals that should be kept in the proper environment.

Why Can’t Hedgehogs Be Domesticated?

Despite their popularity as pets, hedgehogs cannot be domesticated due to their natural instincts. In the wild, they feed on small insects and other invertebrates; if given access to regular meals of food pellets or fresh fruit and vegetables, they often become overweight and unhealthy. Additionally, because of their spiny coats, which act as natural protection against predators in the wild, it is difficult for humans to handle them without causing injury.

What Are Some Alternatives To Domesticating Hedgehogs?

  • Adopting an Existing Pet: Adopting an existing pet hedgehog from a local rescue organization can provide you with a companion that has already been properly cared for.
  • Caring For Wild Hedgehog: If there is a population of wild hedgehog in your area where it is safe for you to observe them (with no contact), then caring for these creatures by providing shelter such as nesting boxes can help ensure their survival.

The Difference Between Wild and Domesticated Hedgehogs

Hedgehogs are small, spiny mammals that can be found in both the wild and as domesticated pets. While they may look similar, there are several key differences between wild and domesticated hedgehogs.


Wild hedgehogs tend to be solitary animals and are not comfortable being around humans. They will avoid contact with people unless forced into it by a predator or some other kind of danger. In contrast, domesticated hedgehogs have become accustomed to human interaction. This is because they have been bred specifically for companionship, so they expect regular attention from their owners.


In the wild, hedgehogs primarily eat insects such as beetles, caterpillars, moths, and earthworms. They also feed on fruits like apples and berries when available in the summertime. Domestic hedgehog diets differ somewhat since many pet owners prefer to provide them with more varied nutrition sources such as cat food or specially formulated commercial feeds.

Life Span

Wild hedgehog lifespans typically range from two to five years due to dangers posed by predators. Conversely, most domesticated hedgehog breeds can live up to eight years if provided with proper care and nutrition.


Wild hedgehog temperament can vary greatly depending on the individual animal’s experience with humans; some may react defensively while others may appear curious or even friendly. In comparison, domestic hedgehog temperaments are usually much calmer since these animals have been bred over time for tameness.

Overall, there are many differences between wild and domestic hedgehogs. It is important for prospective owners to understand these distinctions before bringing a new pet into their home.

Pros of Keeping a Hedgehog as a Pet

  • Hedgehogs are low-maintenance pets that don’t require a lot of attention or care. They sleep for most of the day and only need to be fed once or twice a week.
  • They are fairly quiet animals, so they won’t disturb your neighbors with loud noises.
  • Hedgehogs can make great companions if you have the time and patience to bond with them.
  • They come in many different colors, sizes, and personalities, making it easy to find one that fits your lifestyle.

Cons of Keeping a Hedgehog as a Pet

  • Hedgehogs may carry salmonella which is harmful to humans. They should always be handled with gloves or other protective clothing when being handled by people.
  • Hedgehogs can become ill easily due to their small size and sensitive immune systems. This means that they require frequent vet visits and lots of preventative care.
  • These animals are nocturnal which means they will be active at night when you’re trying to sleep. This could lead to disturbed sleep patterns for both you and your pet hedgehog.
  • Hedgehogs require specialized diets including insects and worms which can be difficult to find in some areas.


In conclusion, hedgehogs are not typically considered to be domesticated animals. They can live in captivity and make interesting pets, but they require a lot of care and attention that some people may find difficult to manage. Hedgehogs are also wild animals and should only be kept as pets if the owner is willing to take on the responsibility of properly caring for them. It’s important to remember that while hedgehogs may look cute, they do have special needs and should not be treated like any other domestic animal.


  • Frederick

    Frederick Faunce is an experienced and passionate hedgehog writer, blogger, and researcher. He has dedicated his life to understanding the conservation and care of hedgehogs, and is committed to educating and inspiring others to do the same.

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