How To Care For A Hedgehog?

How To Care For A Hedgehog

Hedgehogs make wonderful pets, but they require a bit of extra care. If you’re thinking about bringing a hedgehog into your home, it’s important to know how to properly take care of them. This article will provide an overview of the basic needs for keeping a healthy and happy hedgehog. We’ll cover topics such as diet, habitat, exercise, grooming, and health concerns. With the right information and dedication you can ensure that your pet remains in good health for many years to come!

How To Care For A Hedgehog?

Caring for a hedgehog is relatively simple and doesn’t take too much time. Here are the basic steps to ensure your pet remains healthy and happy:


Provide a balanced diet of commercial dry food, fresh vegetables, and occasional treats such as mealworms or crickets.


Maintain an appropriate environment with temperatures between 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit, hiding spots, and bedding material.


Allow your hedgehog to exercise daily by providing plenty of playtime outside their cage or by using a wheel.


Regularly groom your hedgehog by brushing them with a soft brush, trimming their nails, cleaning their ears and eyes with warm water on a cotton ball, and bathing them in lukewarm water every few weeks.

Health Concerns

Monitor your pet’s health closely and make sure they receive regular vet checkups. Be aware of any changes in behavior or eating habits that could indicate illness.

The Benefits of Keeping a Hedgehog as a Pet

Hedgehogs are becoming increasingly popular pets, and for good reasons. They are relatively low maintenance, and can provide companionship without the need for lots of space or specialized care. Hedgehogs also offer several other benefits that might make them the perfect pet for you.

They’re Easy to Care For

Unlike cats or dogs, hedgehogs don’t require frequent grooming or walks outside. In fact, they’re quite content to stay inside the comfort of your home 24/7! All they really need is food, water, a warm place to sleep at night, and some toys to keep them entertained.

They’re Quiet Pets

If you live in an apartment complex or somewhere with thin walls where noise carries easily – hedgehog is the right choice pet for you. They don’t bark like dogs or meow like cats; instead they emit quiet squeaks when they’re happy and content.

They Have Low Odors

Unlike some other pets, hedgehogs produce very little odor. This makes them ideal housemates if someone in your family has allergies or sensitivities.

They Need Little Space

Hedgehogs don’t take up much room; even a small cage will provide enough space for one pet. Plus, since most hedgehog cages can be kept indoors (as long as temperatures remain comfortable), you won’t have to worry about finding outdoor space either.

They Are Fun To Watch

Hedgehogs love exploring new places; watching one slowly explore its enclosure can be fascinating! Plus, these curious critters often develop strong bonds with their owners over time, making them loyal and loving companions.

Basic Care for Your Pet Hedgehog

Caring for a pet hedgehog can be a rewarding experience, but it is important to make sure you have the necessary knowledge and supplies to keep your pet healthy and happy. Here are some tips on basic care for your pet hedgehog:

Housing Requirements

Your pet hedgehog will need a clean and spacious enclosure that provides plenty of room to move around. The cage should provide enough space for them to exercise, as well as hide away when they feel scared or stressed. It’s also important that the enclosure has good ventilation as hedgehogs are prone to overheating.

  • The enclosure should be made of sturdy materials such as wood, metal, or plastic.
  • A cover with mesh sides is recommended so you can monitor your pet without disturbing them.
  • Provide bedding like shredded paper or non-toxic shavings.

Feeding Your Pet Hedgehog

In order to maintain their health, it is important that your pet hedgehog receives an adequate diet consisting of quality foods. A balanced diet should include dry cat food supplemented with fresh fruits and vegetables. Make sure not to feed them too much sugary treats or fatty meats as this could cause obesity or other health issues. Additionally, always ensure they have access to freshwater at all times.

Regular Veterinary Visits

It is essential that you take your pet hedgehog in for regular checkups with a qualified veterinarian in order to detect any potential health issues before they become serious. This is especially important if you plan on breeding your pets as certain genetic diseases can be passed down from one generation to the next if not managed properly.

Caring for Your Indoor Hedgehog

Hedgehogs make great pets, and they are relatively easy to care for. However, there are some things you should know before bringing one home.

Provide the Right Habitat

Your hedgehog will need a habitat that is comfortable and secure. This means providing an enclosure with plenty of space to move around in, as well as adequate ventilation. The cage should also include items like bedding, hideouts, and toys that can help keep your pet mentally stimulated.

Feeding Your Hedgehog

It’s important to provide your hedgehog with a balanced diet that consists of high-quality commercial food supplemented with fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid sugary snacks or treats made specifically for other animals (like cats or dogs). Also, be sure to offer a shallow container of fresh water daily.

Grooming Your Hedgehog

  • Bathing: Hedgehogs don’t require frequent baths but if necessary you can use a mild shampoo specifically formulated for small animals. Make sure the water isn’t too hot or cold and avoid getting any soap in their eyes or ears.
  • Nail Trimming: Regular nail trimming is essential for keeping your hedgehog healthy. Use special grooming clippers designed specifically for small animals like hedgehogs.
  • Ear Cleaning: You might notice wax buildup in your pet’s ears from time to time. This can easily be removed using cotton swabs soaked in warm water.
  • Teeth Brushing: Brushing your pet’s teeth regularly will help prevent periodontal disease from developing. Use toothpaste designed specifically for small animals like hedgehogs (never human toothpaste).


Caring for a hedgehog is not an easy job, but with patience and dedication it can be done. Hedgehogs are unique animals that require special attention in order to stay healthy and happy. With the right diet, housing, exercise, and medical care, your hedgehog will live a long and happy life. You must also remember to handle them gently and give them plenty of love. By following these simple steps you can ensure that your pet hedgehog is well taken care of!


  • Frederick

    Frederick Faunce is an experienced and passionate hedgehog writer, blogger, and researcher. He has dedicated his life to understanding the conservation and care of hedgehogs, and is committed to educating and inspiring others to do the same.

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