Do Hedgehogs Need A Heat Lamp?

Do Hedgehogs Need A Heat Lamp

Hedgehogs are a popular pet choice for many people, but they require special care. One important question that potential hedgehog owners ask is whether or not their pet needs a heat lamp. This article will explore the reasons why hedgehogs may need a heat lamp and provide advice on how to best set up one in your home. It will also explain what other heating methods can be used instead of or in addition to a heat lamp, so read on to learn more about keeping your hedgehog healthy and comfortable!

Do Hedgehogs Need A Heat Lamp?

The short answer is yes, hedgehogs do need a heat lamp to ensure they stay healthy and comfortable. In the wild, hedgehogs are used to temperatures ranging from 65-80°F (18-27°C) with about 70% humidity. Domestic hedgehog enclosures should be kept at an average temperature of 75-80°F (24-27°C). While some people may choose to maintain this temperature without using any heating devices, providing your pet with a heat lamp will make it easier for you to control their environment.

It’s important that the heat lamp be set up properly in order to keep your pet safe. The lamp should not be placed too close to the enclosure or your hedgehog could burn itself on it. Instead, use something like a ceramic tile as a barrier between the bulb and your pet’s habitat. Additionally, make sure you’re using an appropriate type of bulb – usually either red or dark blue LED bulbs work best. Finally, monitor the temperature inside the enclosure regularly so that it doesn’t get too hot or too cold.

Alternative Heating Options

If you don’t want to use a traditional heat lamp setup, there are other ways that you can provide warmth for your hedgehog. Under tank heating pads are one option; these attach directly underneath their enclosure and generate heat from within. Some people also have success using space heaters and even heated blankets as supplemental sources of warmth.

Regardless of which method you choose for keeping your hedgehog warm, remember that all pets require monitoring and regular maintenance in order to stay healthy and happy!

Benefits of Using a Heat Lamp for Hedgehogs

A heat lamp is an ideal choice for providing supplemental heat for your pet hedgehog. It offers the following benefits:

  • Affordable and Easy to Install: Heat lamps are relatively inexpensive and easy to install, making them an attractive option for most people.
  • Provides Consistent Heat Source: A heat lamp provides a consistent source of warmth that maintains optimal temperatures in your hedgehog’s enclosure.
  • No Risk of Burns or Fire Hazards: Heat lamps do not pose any risk of burns or fire hazards like some other heating options may.

Drawbacks of Using a Heat Lamp for Hedgehogs

Despite its many advantages, there are also some drawbacks to using a heat lamp as a source of supplemental warmth for your pet hedgehog. These include:

  • Unnatural Light Source: The light provided by a heat lamp does not mimic natural sunlight, which can be important in regulating the circadian rhythms of animals such as hedgehogs.
  • Difficult to Monitor Temperature: It can be difficult to accurately monitor the temperature in the enclosure with a heat lamp since it is often placed at one end and cannot provide uniform temperatures throughout. Additionally, they can become too hot if left on too long without being monitored.
  • High Energy Consumption: Heat lamps use up more energy than other types of heating equipment, resulting in higher electricity bills.

The Ideal Temperature Range for Hedgehogs

Hedgehogs are small mammals that have developed an excellent ability to regulate their body temperature. As a result, they are well-suited to living in various temperatures, from slightly cool to warm climates. However, there is a specific ideal temperature range for hedgehog health and longevity.

Ideal Temperature Range

The ideal temperature range for hedgehogs is between 75°F – 80°F (24°C – 27°C). This range should be maintained throughout the day and night. If the temperatures drop lower than this, then your pet may become ill or stressed and can even die if the temperatures remain too low for too long.

Temperature Management:

Heat Sources:

  • Light bulbs: It’s important to keep in mind that light bulbs can get very hot and it is not recommended to use them as a heat source because it can cause burns or other injuries.
  • Heat mats/heat rocks: These are safer options since they provide a constant but regulated warmth. Heat mats should always be placed on the side of the cage so that hedgehog has room to move away from it if needed.

Cooling Sources:

  • Fans: Using fans will help keep air circulating throughout the cage which can help prevent overheating in warmer months.
  • Ice packs/cold water bottles: If you need to quickly lower your pet’s temperature, you can place an ice pack or cold water bottle inside their cage. Make sure these items are wrapped in something soft like a towel before placing them inside so that your pet won’t get injured by contact with them directly.

Finding the Optimal Heat Source for Your Pet Hedgehog

Having a pet hedgehog is an incredibly rewarding experience. However, in order to keep your little friend healthy and happy, you need to make sure that their habitat has the optimal temperature. Finding the right heat source for your pet hedgehog is essential for them to thrive.

Tips for Choosing the Right Heat Source:

  • Consider Their Natural Environment: Hedgehogs are native to warm climates, so it’s important to provide them with temperatures similar to their natural environment.
  • Use Appropriate Lighting: To maintain a comfortable temperature in your hedgehog’s habitat, you should use lamps or heating pads designed specifically for reptiles.
  • Monitor Temperature Regularly: It’s also important to regularly monitor the temperature of your hedgie’s habitat. It should be between 75-85°F (24-29°C) during day time and 65-75°F (18-24°C) at night.

Important Note: You should never use an open flame or ceramic heaters as these can cause burns on your hedgehog.


In conclusion, hedgehogs don’t need a heat lamp in order to stay healthy and thrive. They do best when their habitat is kept between 75-85°F and the air humidity should be around 50%. Though some people keep heat lamps for their hedgehog as a precautionary measure, it’s important to monitor the temperature closely as areas with too much heat can cause health problems for your pet. Ultimately, providing plenty of warmth through other methods such as blankets and heating pads is enough to keep your hedgehog happy and healthy.


  • Frederick

    Frederick Faunce is an experienced and passionate hedgehog writer, blogger, and researcher. He has dedicated his life to understanding the conservation and care of hedgehogs, and is committed to educating and inspiring others to do the same.

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